
From the moment you are in touch with us, throughout the funeral service, and for as long as you need us afterwards, we're here for you. The Church of England is in every community, and has been helping people mark the end of life for generations.

If you would like further help there is some good advice on the Church of England website

Click the picture above to go there

Funeral Readings Handout-1.pdf

We have also put together a booklet to help you with choosing readings

Please contact the Rector if you would like
a hard copy of the booklet


The Oxford Diocese created the
leaflet above

In it you can find further advice if a loved one has died.

Churchyard Regulations

When the time comes, you may wish to erect a memorial over a grave or ashes burial plot. The regulations governing these can be found on the Diocesan website by clicking on the image above.