Prayers to use during the

COVID-19 outbreak

Prayers about the outbreak

Keep us, good Lord, under the shadow of your mercy

in this time of uncertainty and distress.

Sustain and support the anxious and fearful, and lift up all who are brought low;

that we may rejoice in your comfort

knowing that nothing can separate us from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Lord Jesus Christ,

you taught us to love our neighbour, and to care for those in need

as if we were caring for you.

In this time of anxiety, give us strength to comfort the fearful, to tend the sick,

and to assure the isolated of our love, and your love, for your name’s sake.


God of compassion,

be close to those who are ill, afraid or in isolation.

In their loneliness, be their consolation;

in their anxiety, be their hope;

in their darkness, be their light;

through him who suffered alone on the cross, but reigns with you in glory,

Jesus Christ our Lord.


For those who are ill

Merciful God, we entrust to your tender care those who are ill or in pain,

knowing that whenever danger threatens

your everlasting arms are there to hold them safe.

Comfort and heal them, and restore them to health and strength;

through Jesus Christ our Lord.


For hospital staff and medical researchers

Gracious God, give skill, sympathy and resilience to all who are caring for the sick,

and your wisdom to those searching for a cure.

Strengthen them with your Spirit, that through their work many will be restored to health;

through Jesus Christ our Lord.


For the Christian community

Help us O heavenly Father,

that we may not be people of fear, but people of courage;

not people who protect our own safety, but people who protect our neighbours’ safety;

not people of greed, but people of generosity.

We are your people O God,

help us to be giving and loving,

wherever we are,

whatever it costs

For as long as it takes

wherever you call us.


Barbara Glasson, President of the Methodist Conference (alt.)