Weekly News
The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity - 18th August 2024
Dear all
This Sunday there are six services in the benefice:
8.30am - Holy Communion, Oare
9.30am - Eucharist, West Ilsley
9.30am - Eucharist, Chieveley
11.00am - Eucharist, Peasemore
11.00am - Matins, Farnborough
6.00pm - Evensong, Beedon
Next Sunday - 25th August - the services will be:
8.30am - Holy Communion, Farnborough
9.30am - Eucharist, Beedon
9.30am - Family Service, Winterbourne
11.00am - Eucharist, Boxford
11.00am - Eucharist, Stockcross
6.00pm - Evensong, Peasemore
You can also find sermons from Douglas by following this link, and there are news items and dates for your diary on the website and the pew sheet including details of further fundraising events.
Please do also encourage others to keep in touch with what is going on by signing up to these updates. Just forward this email or cut and paste the following link and send it to them:
For now, as always, all the best and God bless
Pew Sheet
18th August 2024
The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

Saints for this Week
For the week commencing
18th August 2024

Letter from Bishop Olivia
Intinction of Holy Communion

Services in East Downland
For the month of August

Foodbank Shopping List
Check Foodbank website for latest needs

Hungerford Resource Centre

Beedon C of E Primary School