Care of our Souls

Resources to enrich our spiritual journey

Daily Bible Readings

  Readings for Sunday 9th February:

Isaiah 6.1-8 [9-13]; Psalm 138;






1 Corinthians 15.1-11; Luke 5.1-11


























































































































































Daily Bible readings (Week beginning 10th February)

Mon: Ps 27, 30; Joel 1.1-14; John 15.1-11

Tues: Ps 32, 36; Joel 1.15-end; John 15.12-17

 Wed: Ps 34; Joel 2.1-17; John 15.18-end

Thurs: Ps 37*; Joel 2.18-27; John 16.1-15

 Fri: Ps 31; Joel 2.28-end; John 16.16-22

Sat: Ps 41, 42, 43; Joel 3.1-3, 9-end; John 16.23-33












Articles and
Magazine Letters

A gradually increasing archive of Pastoral Letters from the clergy and other articles


Deanery Prayer Cycle 

Week beginning 9th February:

Please pray for Stephen Pullin (Archdeacon); Liz Jackson (Assoc.); Nicholas Cheeseman (Director of Ordinands); Rhodri Bowen (Parish Development Adviser); John Toogood (Area Dean); Simon Thorn (West Berks Hospital); Anthea Platt (Downe House School); Raymond Obin (Asst DDO); Evelyn Bracey (Lay Chair) and Paul Tame (Treasurer).

















































































































































Prayers for use during the pandemic

Prayers for Mission

A Rule of Prayer During the Pandemic.pdf

A Rule of Prayer

For use during the pandemic

Spiritual Reading

For a list of book suggestions, please click on the button below

Places to visit for retreats

We are very fortunate that close by is Douai Abbey, where you will find on offer a programme of retreats, workshops, courses and day-schools which offer the opportunity for spiritual and personal development. Well worth a look - click here!

More to come - watch this space!