Prayers for Mission

Our Mission Prayer

God of new beginnings, we pray that you will transform your church as you renew us by your love. Give us vision for the journey that we may travel light and live increasingly by faith. Inspire, enliven and empower us, so that along the Way we may be sustained by the life of Christ in ourselves, in one another and in the world. Amen.

For the Youth and Children’s group.

Loving God, your Son told his disciples that they should become like little children. Lead us to work for the faith, welfare and protection of all young people. May we respect their dignity that they may flourish in life, following the example of the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For the Community group

O Lord, let the Church be truly your body in the world, the Christ-community directed by you, its head, infused with your Spirit, loving and serving all as you did when you lived our human life. Help us to give ourselves for the world, so that all may have the priceless treasure of your grace and love. Amen.

For the Buildings group

Loving God, your Son taught that all we have is held in trust from you: help us to be faithful stewards of the gifts we have received and especially the buildings in which we gather to work and worship. Grant that we may preserve and improve them for future generations, and strive to use all we have for the work and mission of your Kingdom in this benefice, to your praise and glory. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.