Weekly News
The Second Sunday of Easter - 11th April 2021
Dear all
Worship this week:
11.00am Holy Communion Service, Boxford
We will be operating under fairly tight conditions and in order to help with planning and logistics for this service it would be useful if you could please let me know by email if you are intending to join us. Please also note the requirements to wear face coverings in church.
Also, this Sunday there will be a recorded Holy Communion service, this week from St Andrew's, Boxford. As previously the video will be live from 8.30am on Sunday morning, streaming from that time and then available at any time later for you to use in your devotions. The videos for all benefice services can be found on the benefice website, YouTube, and Facebook. As always, subtitles will be available.
Next week there will be three onsite services:
9.30am Eucharist at Chieveley
11.00am Holy Communion at Farnborough
6.00pm Evening Prayer at Peasemore
Watch this space for further announcements about services .
The situation regarding church opening remains a little fluid at the moment so please check before venturing out in the cold if you plan to go to a church for private prayer.
Churches in the benefice open for private prayer are:
Beedon – by arrangement with the Rector
Boxford - Sundays (10am-4pm)
Chieveley – by arrangement with the Rector
Farnborough – by arrangement with churchwardens
Peasemore - Open every day as previously
West Ilsley - Sundays (9.30am-6pm)
Also included below along with the Weekly Sheet we have a sermon on 'The Mystery of Faith' and an Eastertide devotional sheet from Douglas 'St Bonaventure on the Meaning of the Resurrection', and a sheet with notes of the Saints' days of the week. There is also a copy of the Diocesan course book for the coming term. As always, there are some excellent courses on offer, so do take a look.
Finally, the APRIL issue of the Benefice Magazine is available here.
Please do still encourage others to keep in touch with what is going on by signing up to these updates just cut and paste the link to them in an email:
Very importantly, if there are any people who you know would like a hard copy of this then please print it off for them or let me know, and I’ll take care of it.
For now, as always, all the best, God bless, and keep safe
Pew Sheet
11th April 2021
The Second Sunday of Easter
The Mystery of Faith
Saints for this Week
For the week commencing
11th April 2021
St Bonaventure
On the Meaning of the Resurrection
Equipping for Life
Courses from the Diocese
for April to July 2021