Spiritual Reading

Book Recommendations

Tokens of Trust - Rowan Williams ISBN 1853118036

Joy of Heaven - Springs of Christian Spirituality - Benedicta Ward: ISBN 0281054967

Praying the Eucharist - Charles Miller: ISBN 0281048487

Love alone is credible - Hans Urs von Balthasar: ISBN 089708818

The Prayers & Meditations of St Anselm - Benedicta Ward [Penguin classic] ISBN 0140442782

Be Still & Know - Michael Ramsey

In Company with Christ - Benedicta Ward ISBN 0281057249

Images of Hope - Joseph Ratzinger [Pope Benedict XVI] ISBN 0898709643

The Imitation of Christ - Thomas a Kempis

Rhythm of Life - David Adam: ISBN 0281048932

Mere Christianity - C. S. Lewis

St Bonaventura - the Journey of the Mind to God

St Augustine - Confessions [Penguin classic]

Christ the Golden Blossom - Douglas Dales: ISBN 185311376X

Glory Descending - the spiritual theology of Michael Ramsey - ed. Douglas Dales: ISBN 9781853116300

A mind intent on God [Alcuin] - tr. Douglas Dales: ISBN 9781853115707